Lindsay is folding socks. There are 18 socks with stripes and 22 solid colored socks. What is the ratio of striped socks to solid colored socks. Write your ratio in simplest form all 3 ways.

18:22 = 9/11 = 9:11 = 9 to 11

Thank u

You're welcome.

To find the ratio of striped socks to solid colored socks, we need to determine the number of each type of sock and express the ratio in simplest form.

Given that there are 18 striped socks and 22 solid colored socks, we can write the ratio in three different ways:

1. First way: Striped socks to solid colored socks
We can write this ratio as 18:22. To simplify this ratio, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 18 and 22, which is 2. Dividing both numbers by 2 gives us 9:11.

2. Second way: Solid colored socks to striped socks
Now, we can write the ratio as 22:18. Again, we find the GCD of 22 and 18, which is 2. Dividing both numbers by 2 gives us 11:9.

3. Third way: Striped socks to total socks
To express the ratio of striped socks to the total number of socks, we need to add the number of striped and solid colored socks together. In this case, we have 18 striped socks and 22 solid colored socks, giving us a total of 40 socks. Thus, the ratio can be written as 18:40. By finding the GCD of 18 and 40, which is 2, we can simplify the ratio to 9:20.

So, the three simplified ratios are:
- 9:11 (striped socks to solid colored socks)
- 11:9 (solid colored socks to striped socks)
- 9:20 (striped socks to total socks)