Describe some positive and negative events of the trustee period, and provide your own evaluation of the rule of the trustees as either generally a success or a failure.

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i did i cant find it

True I couldn't find anything in that link

During the trustee period, which took place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States exercised control over various territories and colonial holdings. This period was marked by both positive and negative events. To evaluate the success or failure of the rule of the trustees, it is important to assess these events. Let's explore some of them:

Positive events during the trustee period included:

1. Infrastructure Development: Trustees focused on building roads, bridges, and public facilities, improving transportation and communication networks. These infrastructure developments opened up previously inaccessible areas and connected regions within the territories.

2. Public Education: Efforts were made to establish educational systems in the territories, providing access to formal education to a broader population. This led to increased literacy rates and the empowerment of local communities.

3. Legal and Governance Reforms: Trustees introduced legal and governmental reforms, including the establishment of courts and the implementation of laws to protect the rights of citizens. These reforms aimed to promote justice and stability in the territories.

Negative events during the trustee period included:

1. Cultural Suppression: Trustees sometimes suppressed the cultural practices and traditions of the indigenous populations, imposing their own cultural standards. This led to the loss of cultural heritage and a diminishing of indigenous identity.

2. Limited Political Participation: The trustee period often limited the political participation of the local populations, as power resided primarily with the trustees or their appointed officials. This restricted the democratic principles of self-governance.

3. Exploitation of Natural Resources: In some cases, trustees prioritized the extraction of natural resources from the territories, leading to environmental degradation and the economic exploitation of local populations.

Now, evaluating the rule of the trustees as a success or failure is subjective and depends on one's perspective. Some may argue that the positive outcomes, such as infrastructure development and educational reforms, outweigh the negative aspects. They might view these trusteeships as successful attempts to modernize and develop the territories under American control.

On the other hand, critics may argue that the suppression of indigenous cultures, limited political participation, and resource exploitation undermine the notion of trusteeship, which should aim to serve the best interests and aspirations of the local populations. From this perspective, the rule of the trustees may be seen as a failure.

Ultimately, one's evaluation of the trustee period will depend on the weight given to the positive and negative events, and the perspective through which they are analyzed.

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advantages, and disadvantages are what you think. What about rights? What about citizenship. Go back and read it again. It tells you directly what was allowed, what they did. You decide what is an advantage or not.