how many twenties must be added to 3 tens to equal £2.10

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To find the number of twenties that must be added to 3 tens to equal £2.10, we can use a combination of algebra and logic.

First, let's establish the values of the given information:
- The value of a twenty is £20.
- The value of a ten is £10.
- The total amount we want to reach is £2.10.

Let's assume the number of twenties we need is "x". This means that the total value of the twenties would be 20x.

Now, let's set up an equation to represent the total value:
20x + 10(3) = 210

Here's how we get this equation:
- 20x represents the total value of the twenties (20 multiplied by the number of twenties).
- 10(3) represents the total value of the tens (10 multiplied by the number of tens).
- 210 represents the total value we want to reach, which is £2.10 (when converted to pence).

Simplifying the equation:
20x + 30 = 210

Next, we isolate the variable "x" by subtracting 30 from both sides of the equation:
20x = 210 - 30
20x = 180

To solve for "x", we divide both sides of the equation by 20:
x = 180 / 20
x = 9

Therefore, you would need to add 9 twenties to 3 tens to equal £2.10.

What is the answer

9*20 + 3*10 = 180+30 = 210