what is the impact of discretion with respect to the major players (prosecutor, defense attorney, judge, defendant and victim) in the judicial system

We probably get uneven decisions, however, they are probably more fair.

where can I find information on it?

Discretion plays a significant role in the judicial system and can have a profound impact on the major players involved. Let's explore the impact of discretion with respect to each of the following: the prosecutor, defense attorney, judge, defendant, and victim.

1. Prosecutor: Prosecutors have considerable discretion in deciding whether to file charges against an individual, what charges to bring, and whether to provide plea bargains. Their decisions can greatly impact the defendant, victim, and overall outcomes of the case.

2. Defense Attorney: Defense attorneys also exercise discretion in how they approach a case. They analyze the evidence, identify legal strategies, and decide how to advocate for their clients. Their discretion can impact the defense strategy, plea negotiations, and ultimately the outcomes for the defendant.

3. Judge: Judges play a critical role in exercising discretion throughout the judicial process. They interpret laws, make rulings on admissibility of evidence, determine sentences, and sometimes have discretion in offering alternative sentencing options. Their decisions can significantly influence the outcome of a case and impact both the defendant and the victim.

4. Defendant: Defendants themselves may have some discretion, particularly in relation to their plea choice. They can decide whether to plead guilty or proceed to trial, which can have significant consequences for the resolution of their case.

5. Victim: While victims often have limited formal discretion in the judicial process, their input can still be taken into consideration. Some jurisdictions allow victim impact statements, giving victims the opportunity to share their experiences and the impact of the crime on their lives. The judge may also consider the victim's perspective when determining the appropriate sentence for the defendant.

It is important to note that discretion should be exercised within the bounds of the law and with the goal of achieving fairness and justice. Also, while discretion can lead to positive outcomes, it can also give rise to potential biases, inconsistencies, and the unequal treatment of individuals within the judicial system. This is why checks and balances, transparency, and accountability mechanisms are necessary to ensure that discretion is used responsibly and in the best interest of justice.