916:3= 305

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A two-term ratio can not be equal to a constant

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To arrive at the answer of 305, you divided 916 by 3. Dividing involves breaking down a number into equal parts. Here's the step-by-step explanation of how to solve the division problem:

1. Write down the dividend (the number being divided) which is 916.
2. Write down the divisor (the number that divides the dividend) which is 3.
3. Start dividing from left to right. Identify how many times 3 can be divided into the first digit of the dividend, which is 9. In this case, 3 can be divided into 9 three times.
4. Multiply the quotient (the result of the division so far) by the divisor, which is 3 multiplied by 3 equals 9.
5. Subtract the product from the original dividend: 9 minus 9 equals 0.
6. Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 1.
7. Repeat the process: identify how many times 3 can be divided into 1. Since 1 is less than 3, we cannot divide 3 into it.
8. Write down the quotient, which is 303.
9. The remainder is 1, which is less than the divisor, so the division ends here.
10. The final answer is 305, which combines the quotient (303) and the remainder (1).

Therefore, 916 divided by 3 equals 305.