Which of the following is true regarding the solubility of gases in liquids?

Question 4 options:

Solubility decreases as temperature increases.

Solubility increases as temperature increases.

Solubility is unaffected by changes in temperature.

None of the above

A. Why not keep the same screen name? It help us and doesn't help you.

To determine which of the options is true regarding the solubility of gases in liquids, we need to consider the general relationship between solubility and temperature.

One method to figure out this relationship is to consult scientific literature or textbooks, which often provide information on the solubility of specific gases in different liquids. However, in this case, we can rely on a general understanding of the solubility of gases in liquids.

In most cases, gases are more soluble in liquids at lower temperatures. The solubility of gases tends to decrease as the temperature of the liquid increases. This is because high temperatures provide more energy to the gas molecules, causing them to move faster and escape from the liquid to the gas phase more quickly. On the other hand, at lower temperatures, the gas molecules have less energy and are more likely to be captured and dissolved by the liquid.

Based on this understanding, we can conclude that the correct option is:

Solubility decreases as temperature increases.

Therefore, option 1 is true regarding the solubility of gases in liquids.

The correct option is:

Solubility decreases as temperature increases.