1. (Use the gerund trembling as a object of a preposition.)

A: My body perspires heavily instead of trembling.

2. (Use the gerund longing as a direct object.)

A: My longing makes my heart ache.

1 is correct. 2 is not.

2. My longing has blinded me.

You haven't really changed this sentence. How have you used "longing" in each of them. And it's not a direct object.


2. I suppressed my longing by gorging myself with frozen yogurt.

Now you're right. :-)

To use the gerund "trembling" as the object of a preposition, you would need to add a preposition before the gerund. In this case, the preposition "instead of" is used.

1. My body perspires heavily instead of trembling.

To find the answer, you need to understand the sentence and the role of "trembling" in it.

In this sentence, the subject is "my body" and the main verb is "perspires." "Instead of" is used to show contrast or comparison between two actions. The gerund "trembling" is used to describe the action that is being contrasted with perspiring.

So, to answer the question, you can identify the subject ("My body") and the verb ("perspires heavily"), and then recognize the contrast created by the phrase "instead of trembling," which indicates that trembling is not happening. Therefore, the answer is "My body perspires heavily instead of trembling."

2. To use the gerund "longing" as a direct object, you would need to identify the verb that is being performed on the longing. In this case, the verb is "makes."

2. My longing makes my heart ache.

To find the answer, you need to identify the subject, verb, and the direct object in the sentence.

In this sentence, the subject is "my longing," the verb is "makes," and the direct object is "my heart ache." "Longing" is used to describe the feeling or emotion that is causing the heart to ache.

So, to answer the question, you can identify the subject ("My longing"), the verb ("makes"), and the direct object ("my heart ache"). Therefore, the answer is "My longing makes my heart ache."