The houses on your street are numbered with odd numbers starting with 1 and ending with 201. How many house numbers contain at least one 7?

a.)30 numbers
b.)28 numbers
c.)24 numbers
d.)20 numbers

2.)A school band has a brass section of trumpet, trombone, and tuba players.There are twice as many trombones as tubas and half as many trombones as trumpets. If there are two tubas in the band, what is the total number of players in the brass section?
a.)8 players
b.)10 players
c.)12 players
d.) 14 players

3.)It cost Neil $2.88 to make 2 dozen muffins.If Neil sold 6 dozen muffins, how much profit did he make from the sale?
a.) $40.32
b.) $48.96
c.) $24.48
d.) $57.60

4.)Beginning at 6:50 am, planes leave an airport for New York every 45 minutes.You arrive at the airport at 10:15 am How long will you have to wait for the next plane to New York?
a.) 15 minutes
b.) 20 minutes
c.) 25 minutes
d.) 30 minutes
Please put the answers for all. Thank you...............


7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 71. 73. 75, 77, 79, 87, 97

That's 14 numbers

So there must be 28 numbers all together.

We can't know his profit because we don't know what price he charged for the muffins.

6:50, 7:35, 8:20, 9:05, 9:50, 10:35

10:35 - 10:15 = ?

Thank you for helping me with the others, but what is the answer to number 3.

I also don't get what is number 2 and 1, please post the answers

I told you why we can't have an answer for number 3.

I told you the answer for 1.

How do you think you should solve # 2?

Sorry, let me give you the full question for number 3.

It cost Neil $2.88 to make 2 dozen muffins.He sold the muffins for $.80 each.If Neil sold 6 dozen muffins, how much profit did he make from the sale?
a.) $40.32
b.) $48.96
c.) $24.48
d.) $57.60
Sorry I did not write down the whole thing.

2.88 / 24 = 0.12

Each muffin costs him $0.12 to make.

0.80 - 0.12 = $0.68 profit for each muffin

72 * 0.68 = $_________ total profit

Thank you so much Ms.Sue I will be coming here more often you are fast and very helpful.

Thank you, I got a 100% 4/4

You're very welcome, Samia.

And congratulations!

1)To find the number of house numbers that contain at least one 7, we can look at the pattern of the numbers and count the ones that have a 7 in them. The pattern is odd numbers starting from 1 and ending at 201.

We can start by observing that the tens digit (the second digit) can only be 0, 1, or 2, since the numbers go up to 201. If the tens digit is 0, then the units digit (the first digit) can be any odd number from 1 to 9, giving us 5 possibilities (1, 3, 5, 7, 9). If the tens digit is 1 or 2, the units digit can also be any odd number from 1 to 9, giving us 5 possibilities as well. So in total, we have 5 possibilities for each of the 3 options for the tens digit, giving us a total of 5 * 3 = 15 possibilities.

However, we need to consider the number 7 itself (e.g., 17, 27, 37, etc.), which is counted once in the pattern above. So we need to subtract 1 from the total count.

Therefore, there are 15 - 1 = 14 house numbers that contain at least one 7. The correct answer is (d) 20 numbers.

2) Let the number of tubas be x.

According to the problem, there are twice as many trombones as tubas and half as many trombones as trumpets. This means that the number of trombones is 2*x (twice as many trombones as tubas) and also equal to (1/2) * 2*x = x (half as many trombones as trumpets).

Given that there are two tubas, we can substitute x = 2 into the equations above to find the number of trombones and trumpets.

Number of trombones = 2 * 2 = 4
Number of trumpets = (1/2) * 2 * 2 = 2

Finally, to calculate the total number of players in the brass section, we add the number of tubas, trombones, and trumpets together.

Total number of players = 2 (tubas) + 4 (trombones) + 2 (trumpets) = 8 players.

Therefore, the correct answer is (a) 8 players.

3) To find the profit Neil made from selling 6 dozen muffins, we first need to determine the cost per muffin.

Neil spent $2.88 to make 2 dozen muffins. So, the cost per muffin is $2.88 / (2 dozen * 12 muffins per dozen) = $2.88 / 24 muffins.

Next, we multiply the cost per muffin by the number of muffins sold (6 dozen * 12 muffins per dozen) to find the total cost of the muffins sold.

Total cost of muffins sold = $2.88 / 24 muffins per dollar * (6 dozen * 12 muffins per dozen) = $2.88 * 6 = $17.28.

To calculate the profit, we subtract the total cost from the total revenue.

Profit = Total revenue - Total cost = ($17.28 makes) - ($2.88 cost) = $14.40.

Therefore, the correct answer is (d) $57.60.

4) The planes leave the airport for New York every 45 minutes, starting at 6:50 am. We need to find the time of the next departure after 10:15 am.

To calculate this, we need to determine how many 45-minute intervals have passed between the departure time at 6:50 am and the arrival time at 10:15 am.

From 6:50 am to 10:15 am, the total time is 3 hours and 25 minutes. We can convert this to minutes (3 hours * 60 minutes per hour + 25 minutes) = 180 + 25 = 205 minutes.

Next, we divide the total minutes by 45 to find the number of 45-minute intervals that have passed.

Number of 45-minute intervals = 205 minutes / 45 minutes = 4 remainder 35.

Since we are looking for the time of the next departure, we add one more 45-minute interval to the number of intervals that have passed.

Number of intervals for the next departure = 4 + 1 = 5.

Finally, to find the wait time for the next plane to New York, we multiply the number of intervals by 45 minutes.

Wait time = 5 intervals * 45 minutes per interval = 225 minutes.

Converting 225 minutes back to hours and minutes, we have 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Therefore, the correct answer is (c) 25 minutes.

To summarize:
1) The number of house numbers containing at least one 7 is d.) 20 numbers.
2) The total number of players in the brass section is a.) 8 players.
3) The profit Neil made from selling 6 dozen muffins is d.) $57.60.
4) The waiting time for the next plane to New York is c.) 25 minutes.