4/10 -1/5

find the difference

First you need to find the common denominators and convert one to an equivalent fraction.

4/10 - 2/10

What are the other equivalent fractions?


To find the difference between fractions, we need to subtract the second fraction from the first fraction. Let's go through each example step by step:

1. 4/10 - 1/5:
To subtract these fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the lowest common denominator is 10. So, let's convert both fractions with this denominator:
4/10 - 1/5 = (4/10) - (2/10)
Now that the fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract the numerators:
= (4 - 2)/10
= 2/10
Simplifying this fraction gives us the final answer:
= 1/5

2. 9/15 - 1/3:
Again, let's find a common denominator. In this case, the lowest common denominator is 15. So, let's convert both fractions:
9/15 - 1/3 = (9/15) - (5/15)
Now that the fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract the numerators:
= (9 - 5)/15
= 4/15

3. 4/12 - 1/6:
Once more, let's find a common denominator. The lowest common denominator here is 12. So, let's convert both fractions:
4/12 - 1/6 = (4/12) - (2/12)
Now that the fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract the numerators:
= (4 - 2)/12
= 2/12
Simplifying the fraction gives us the final answer:
= 1/6

Therefore, the differences are:
1/5, 4/15, and 1/6, respectively.