1. Which of the following is true of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty?

A. It granted the United States a canal zone in the Isthmus of Panama.
B. It laid out the terms for the purchase of Panama from Colombia.
C. It was intended to restore friendly relations between the United States and Colombia.
D. It declared Panamanian independence.


2. As its intellectual voice, ______ became the leader of the Harlem Renaissance.

A. H. L. Mencken
B. James Weldon Johnson
C. Claude McKay
D. W. E. B. Du Bois


I agree with 1 A and 2 B.

3. During the election of 1936, declaring their party a "millionaire's union," Franklin Roosevelt focused mainly on defeating the

A. Liberty League running Father Coughlin.
B. Liberty League running Alfred M. Landon.
C. Union Party running William Lemke.
D. Union Party running Gerald K. Smith.


4. Among the legislative acts passed during Franklin Roosevelt’s first term as president, which one gave relief to artists, actors, and writers?

A. National Recovery Administration
B. Tennessee Valley Authority
C. Works Progress Administration
D. Civilian Conservation Corps


5. In the election of 1912, Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party platform was built around what he called the

A. New Nationalism.
B. Square Deal.
C. New Freedom.
D. Fair Deal.


6. After the Spanish-American War, the _______ reserved the right of the United States to intervene in Cuba's internal affairs.

A. Caribbean Accord
B. Foraker Act
C. Platt Amendment
D. Open Door policy


7. The last of Wilson's Fourteen Points called for

A. heavy reparations to be assessed against Germany.
B. the creation of a League of Nations.
C. Belgian neutrality.
D. the establishment of an independent Poland.


3. B - yes

4. A - no
5. B - yes
6. C - I don't know
7. B - yes

To find the answer to the first question, we need to determine the key details of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty. This treaty was associated with the construction of the Panama Canal, so let's break down the answer choices:

A. It granted the United States a canal zone in the Isthmus of Panama.
B. It laid out the terms for the purchase of Panama from Colombia.
C. It was intended to restore friendly relations between the United States and Colombia.
D. It declared Panamanian independence.

To find the correct answer, we need to understand the purpose and terms of the treaty. In 1903, the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty was signed between the United States and Panama. The treaty granted the United States a canal zone in the Isthmus of Panama. The correct answer is, therefore, A.

To find the answer to the second question, we need to identify the intellectual figure associated with the Harlem Renaissance. Here are the answer choices:

A. H. L. Mencken
B. James Weldon Johnson
C. Claude McKay
D. W. E. B. Du Bois

The Harlem Renaissance was a movement in the early 20th century that celebrated African American culture and intellectualism. The leader of the Harlem Renaissance was James Weldon Johnson, who actively promoted and fostered this cultural movement. Therefore, the correct answer is B.