12. The richest discovery in the history of mining occurred in 1873. This so-called "Big Bonanza" made _______ the richest man in the world.

A. Henry Sutter
B. John Mackay
C. John Placer
D. Henry Comstock


13. In the new cities of the 1800s, streetcars were to the suburbs and residential neighborhoods as glass and steel were to

A. factories.
B. palatial mansions of the rich.
C. railroad stations.
D. skyscrapers.


12. B - yes

13. C - no

13 A factories

15. In the first major pioneering movement, settlers made their way to Oregon and California by way of the _______ Trail.

A. Kearny
B. Overland
C. California
D. Cumberland


15. C - Yes

17. The National _______ Act of 1902, provided proceeds from the sale of public lands for the construction of dams, canals, and irrigation systems in sixteen Western states.

A. Land Grant
B. Reclamation
C. Development
D. Recovery


18. At the outset of the secessionist movement in the South, which state defeated the cooperationist argument that the South should act as a unit?

A. Mississippi
B. Kentucky
C. Virginia
D. South Carolina


I agree with your answers for 17 and 18.

19. In 1866, the Sioux Chief Red Cloud ambushed and massacred Union soldiers in an incident that would be referred to as the _______ Massacre.

A. Wounded Knee
B. Little Big Horn
C. Fetterman
D. Chivrington


19. C -- right