A cafeteria has two soda machines. Once machine has the following flavors: Cola, root beer, and lime. The second machine has lemon, orange, cola, and cherry. Which set represents all flavors in the two machines.

a. {Cola, root beer, lime}
b. {cola}
c. {cola, cola, root beer, lime, lemon, orange, cherry}
d. {cola, root beer, lime, lemon, orange, cherry} ***

of 350 male athletes at a highschool, some play only basketball, and some do both. if 250 of the males play basketball and 120 play both sports, how many of the males play baseball
a. 100
b. 220 **
c. 130
d. 120

I believe you are right on both! I know I am 2 years late๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฌ. But maybe it will help others....

To find the set that represents all flavors in the two machines, we need to combine the flavors from both machines.

The first machine has the flavors Cola, root beer, and lime.
The second machine has the flavors lemon, orange, cola, and cherry.

To combine the flavors from both machines, we simply list all the unique flavors.

So, the set that represents all flavors in the two machines is:

d. {cola, root beer, lime, lemon, orange, cherry}

For the second question, let's break down the given information:

- There are a total of 350 male athletes.
- Out of these 350 males, 250 play basketball.
- 120 of these males play both basketball and baseball.

To find how many males play baseball, we need to subtract the number of males who play both sports from the total number of males who play basketball.

So, the number of males who play baseball would be:

250 (total males who play basketball) - 120 (males who play both sports) = 130

Therefore, the correct answer is:

c. 130