The stage described by Erik Erikson as most commonly seen in seven-year-old children is

 A. initiative vs. guilt. B. industry vs. inferiority. C. trust vs. mistrust. D. autonomy vs. shame and doubt. 

Is the answer C.


Sorry the answer is A

Ok my would be B.

Thank you

B is correct.

Thank you

No, the correct answer is B. industry vs. inferiority.

To arrive at this answer, you need to have basic knowledge of Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which outlines eight stages of development throughout a person's life. Each stage is characterized by a specific conflict or challenge that individuals face and must resolve in order to develop a healthy personality.

In the case of seven-year-old children, Erikson believed that their primary psychosocial task is to engage in productive activities and develop a sense of competence or industry. This stage is called industry vs. inferiority. During this stage, children strive to acquire new skills and knowledge, which helps them develop a sense of self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. If they are successful, they will feel a sense of industry and accomplishment. However, if they are not able to meet the demands of others or compare themselves unfavorably to their peers, they may develop feelings of inferiority.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is B. industry vs. inferiority.