Which best describes Maya Ying Lin's design in "Always to remember"

A. Place of healing, vertical like other monuments, durably made of stone.
B. Harmonious with surrondings, place of healing, quiet memorial.
C. Place of healing, political statement, quiet memorial.
D. Durably made of stone, vertical like other monuments, quiet memorial.


Let us know what you decide.

I think the answer is B

To determine the best description of Maya Ying Lin's design in "Always to Remember," we can analyze the options provided.

A. Place of healing, vertical like other monuments, durably made of stone.
B. Harmonious with surroundings, place of healing, quiet memorial.
C. Place of healing, political statement, quiet memorial.
D. Durably made of stone, vertical like other monuments, quiet memorial.

To find the correct answer, we need to consider the aspects of Lin's design.

Maya Ying Lin's design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, titled "Always to Remember," is characterized by its uniqueness and symbolic significance. It consists of two black granite walls that form a V-shape (inverted if you look at it from a distance) and are set into the ground. The names of over 58,000 soldiers who died or went missing during the Vietnam War are engraved onto the walls in chronological order.

Now let's examine the options:

A. The design is not necessarily described as being durably made of stone, as the material is not explicitly mentioned, and the focus is more on the shape and form of the monument.

B. This option includes the notions of being harmonious with surroundings, a place of healing, and a quiet memorial. While the terms "harmonious" and "quiet" can be applied to Lin's design, there is no explicit mention of it being a place of healing.

C. The description of a political statement does not accurately capture the essence of Lin's design, as it was not intended as a political statement but rather focused on remembrance and honoring the fallen soldiers.

D. This option includes elements of being durably made of stone, vertical like other monuments, and a quiet memorial, which aligns with the characteristics of Lin's design.

Considering the options provided, option D appears to be the most accurate description. It highlights both the durable material and the vertical, quiet memorial that the Vietnam Veterans Memorial represents.