how to Convert 1/3 to mixed number? my teacher assinged and im confused

1/3 can not be converted to a mixed number.

yay thxx i tell the teacher tomorrow

You're welcome. :-)

To convert a fraction like 1/3 to a mixed number, which consists of a whole number and a proper fraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number). In this case, divide 1 by 3.

1 รท 3 = 0 remainder 1

Step 2: The quotient obtained in Step 1 (0 in this case) represents the whole number part of the mixed number.

Step 3: To determine the proper fraction part, take the remainder obtained in Step 1 (1 in this case) as the numerator and use the original denominator (3 in this case). So, the proper fraction part is 1/3.

Putting it together, the mixed number representing 1/3 is 0 1/3.

Now, if you want to practice on your own, you can try converting other fractions to mixed numbers by following these steps.