

Is that a fraction, dividing 15.05 by 21.5?


Can you simplify this fraction

What is the decimal answer?

Post it, and then we'll see if it needs simplifying.




To calculate the answer to the division problem 15.05 divided by 21.5, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the division problem: Write down the dividend (the number being divided, which is 15.05 in this case) and the divisor (the number by which you are dividing, which is 21.5 in this case).

Step 2: Perform long division: Start by dividing the leftmost digit of the dividend (1 in this case) by the divisor (21.5). The result will be less than 1 since 1 is smaller than 21.5. Place this result on top of the division symbol.

Step 3: Multiply the divisor: Multiply the divisor (21.5) by the result from the previous step (less than 1). The product is 21.5 multiplied by the result (0), which equals 0. Write this value below the dividend, aligned with the original dividend's decimal point.

Step 4: Subtract: Subtract the result (0) from the first portion of the dividend (15), then bring down the next digit (0) after the subtraction. The result is 15 - 0 = 15. Write this value below the subtraction line.

Step 5: Repeat the process: Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the new dividend (150). Divide 150 by 21.5, resulting in a quotient of less than 1. Place this result on top of the division symbol.

Step 6: Multiply and subtract: Multiply the new quotient (less than 1) by the divisor (21.5) and subtract the result from the new portion of the dividend. Bring down the next digit (5) after the subtraction.

Step 7: Continue the process: Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the new dividend until you have brought down all the digits.

Step 8: Complete the division: Once you have brought down all the digits or until you get the desired level of accuracy, continue the division process until either a repeating pattern appears or the desired level of accuracy is achieved.

In this case, after performing the division, the quotient is approximately 0.6988.