In the painting Woman with a Parosol-Madame Monet and Her Son by Claude Monet the artist successfully did all of the following in this image except

a. use cool colors to capture the mood
b. use proportion to draw the figures correctly
c. use appropriate perspective to create depth
d.use warm colors to create anxiety
Is the answer D?

Yes it is


Yes, the correct answer is D. Claude Monet did not use warm colors to create anxiety in the painting "Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son." To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the painting yourself or refer to reputable sources that provide insights into the artwork.

To analyze the painting, you can start by observing the color scheme. Monet is known for his use of color to capture the mood and atmosphere of a scene. In this painting, he employs a predominantly cool color palette, with blues and greens dominating the composition. This choice reflects a peaceful and serene ambiance rather than creating anxiety, as indicated in option D.

Additionally, you can assess the elements of proportion and perspective used in the painting. Monet was skilled in depicting figures in correct proportion, capturing depth and creating a sense of space through appropriate perspective. Both options B and C acknowledge these strengths of the artist.

In conclusion, option D is the correct answer because Claude Monet did not use warm colors to create anxiety in the painting "Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son."