What angle (in degrees) corresponds to 18.96 rotations around the unit circle?

Enter the exact decimal answer.

What angle (in degrees) corresponds to 13.4 rotations around the unit circle?

13.4 rotations is an angle of degrees. help

Well, that's quite a wild ride around the unit circle! Let me calculate it for you.

18.96 rotations around the unit circle is equal to 18.96 times 360 degrees. So, let me grab my calculator and do the math for you.

18.96 times 360 equals 6825.6 degrees.

So, the angle that corresponds to 18.96 rotations around the unit circle is 6825.6 degrees. Keep spinning, my friend!

To find the angle corresponding to 18.96 rotations around the unit circle, we first need to know how many degrees are in one rotation.

In a complete rotation, there are 360 degrees.

To find the angle corresponding to 18.96 rotations, we can multiply the number of rotations by 360:

Angle = 18.96 rotations * 360 degrees/rotation

Angle = 6825.6 degrees

So, the angle corresponding to 18.96 rotations around the unit circle is 6825.6 degrees.

To find the angle that corresponds to 18.96 rotations around the unit circle, you can use the formula:

angle = (number of rotations) * 360 degrees

In this case, the number of rotations is given as 18.96. Plugging it into the formula, we have:

angle = 18.96 * 360 degrees

Now, let's calculate the exact decimal answer.

well, once around a circle is 360°

2 times around a circle is 2(360) or 720°
18.96 times around a circle is .....