Need help on identifying root word,suffix and prefix for control.

Control is the root word. It can't be broken down farther.

To identify the root word, suffix, and prefix in the word "control," let's break it down:

1. Root word: The root word is the basic part of the word that carries its main meaning. In this case, the root word is "control."

2. Prefix: A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. In "control," there is no prefix.

3. Suffix: A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word to modify its meaning or change its grammatical function. In "control," the suffix is "-l."

To confirm the suffix, you can try adding different suffixes and see which one makes sense. For example, if you add "-led" (past tense suffix), the word becomes "controlled," which is a valid English word.

So, in summary:

- Root word: control
- Prefix: none
- Suffix: -l

By analyzing the word and its modifications, we can determine the root, prefix, and suffix.