To encourage positive selfesteem, you should

A. encourage competition between boys and girls. B. provide opportunities for success. C. compare children to one another. D. persuade all students to be the best they can be.

B is my answer.


Thank you

Correct, the answer is B. To encourage positive self-esteem, it is important to provide opportunities for success. This means creating an environment where individuals can feel accomplished and confident in their abilities. To explain how to arrive at this answer:

A. Encouraging competition between boys and girls is not a recommended approach when aiming to foster positive self-esteem. Promoting equality and cooperation is more beneficial for building self-confidence.

B. Providing opportunities for success is a key factor in encouraging positive self-esteem. By offering activities, tasks, or challenges that individuals can excel in, they can gain a sense of achievement and feel good about themselves.

C. Comparing children to one another is not constructive for building positive self-esteem. Each individual has unique strengths and abilities, and comparing can lead to feelings of inadequacy or superiority, which can be detrimental to self-esteem.

D. Persuading all students to be the best they can be is generally a positive approach. However, simply encouraging them without actually providing opportunities or support for success may not effectively boost self-esteem. Encouragement should be accompanied by actual opportunities for achievement.