Give 3 solutions of the inequality 5x-2>7

???? what are 3 solutions? # different answers?

Yes. You're looking for different answers. You're looking for different values for x.

Let's start with the original inequality.

5x -2 > 7

Add 2 to both sides.

5x > 9

5 times what number is more than 9?

5 * 2 = 10
5 * 3 = 15
5 * 4 = 20

so if i worked it out 3 different ways I would get 3 different answers for x?

doing it like using 5x-2>7



the number 2 is more than 9

To solve the inequality 5x - 2 > 7, we need to isolate the variable x. Let's break down the steps to find three different solutions:

1. Add 2 to both sides of the inequality:
5x - 2 + 2 > 7 + 2
5x > 9

2. Divide both sides of the new inequality by 5:
(5x)/5 > 9/5
x > 9/5

So, one solution for the inequality is x > 9/5.

To find two more solutions, we can assign arbitrary values to x that are greater than 9/5 and confirm if they satisfy the inequality.

3. Let's consider x = 2:
Substitute x = 2 into the original inequality:
5(2) - 2 > 7
10 - 2 > 7
8 > 7

Since 8 is greater than 7, x = 2 is a solution.

4. Let's consider x = 3:
Substitute x = 3 into the original inequality:
5(3) - 2 > 7
15 - 2 > 7
13 > 7

Since 13 is also greater than 7, x = 3 is a solution.

Thus, the three solutions to the inequality 5x - 2 > 7 are x > 9/5, x = 2, and x = 3.