Which one of the following is not a way to foster prosocial behavior?

 A. Exhibit aggressive behavior.B. Create an environment that encourages helping and cooperation.C. Use reasoning.D. Be a model of prosocial behavior. 



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To determine which one of the following is not a way to foster prosocial behavior, let's analyze each option:

A. Exhibit aggressive behavior - To foster prosocial behavior, exhibiting aggressive behavior is not recommended. Aggression tends to promote negative and antisocial behavior, rather than encouraging helpful and cooperative behavior.

B. Create an environment that encourages helping and cooperation - This is an effective way to foster prosocial behavior. By creating an environment that values and promotes helping others and cooperation, individuals are more likely to engage in prosocial behaviors.

C. Use reasoning - Using reasoning can be an effective way to enhance prosocial behavior. Reasoning helps individuals understand the importance of helping others and the positive impact it can have on individuals and society.

D. Be a model of prosocial behavior - Being a role model of prosocial behavior is an effective way to foster prosocial behavior in others. When individuals observe someone engaging in prosocial actions, they are more likely to imitate those behaviors.

Based on the analysis, the option that is NOT a way to foster prosocial behavior is option A, which is to exhibit aggressive behavior. Aggression tends to hinder or discourage prosocial behavior.