What is a fraction whose decimal value is between 0.4 and 0.64? List the fractions decimal equivalent as well.

0.5 = 5/10 = 1/2

To find a fraction whose decimal value is between 0.4 and 0.64, we can systematically go through each fraction and convert them to decimal form until we find one that falls within the given range.

Let's start with the simplest fraction, 1/2, which is equal to 0.5 in decimal form. Since this falls within the given range, we can consider it as a valid fraction.

Next, let's consider the fraction 3/5. Its decimal equivalent is 0.6, which also falls within the given range.

Continuing with this process, we can consider the fraction 4/6, which simplifies to 2/3. Its decimal value is approximately 0.6667, which is greater than 0.64. Therefore, it is not within the desired range.

We can also consider the fraction 5/8, which is approximately 0.625 in decimal form. This falls within the given range.

Lastly, let's consider the fraction 6/10, which simplifies to 3/5. We have already examined this fraction earlier and found that it is within the range.

So, the fractions whose decimal values are between 0.4 and 0.64 are:

1/2 (0.5)
3/5 (0.6)
5/8 (0.625)

These fractions and their decimal equivalents satisfy the given condition.