
Simplify rational expressions


by dividing top and bottom by (a-10)


a may not be 10 or -4
or the problem is undefined (zero denominator)

To simplify the rational expression (a+10)(a-10)/(a-10)(a+4), we can start by cancelling out common factors in the numerator and denominator.

First, let's look at the common factor (a-10) in both the numerator and denominator. We can cancel it out:

= (a+10)/(a+4)

So, the simplified form of the rational expression is (a+10)/(a+4).

Note: When simplifying rational expressions, it is important to check for any restrictions in the domain where the expression is not defined. In this case, the expression is not defined for the value of a that makes the denominator (a+4) equal to 0, so a ≠ -4.