Thank you so much for the help, I really appreciate it:) I understand this much much more thank you:) and I have 1 more question:

Se fâcher 14. Quand mes petites sœurs ont cassé la fenêtre de la cuisine maman__________

Thanks once again:)

I'll send this to Sra.

Thank you very much Ms. Sue:)

Because this is a Reflexive Verb, it will use être in the passé composé and because the subject is maman (feminine, singular) the past participle will also reflect that gender and number

s'est fâchée

Sra (aka Mme)

Thank you very much:)

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you understand better. Now, let's tackle your new question.

The sentence you provided is incomplete, so let's fill in the blank. The verb "se fâcher" means "to get angry" in French. So, we can assume that the blank should be filled with a conjugated form of this verb.

To complete the sentence, we need to know the subject and the tense.

If the subject is "maman" (meaning "mom"), and we are talking about a past event, we can use the passé composé tense. In this tense, we need the auxiliary verb "avoir" (to have) conjugated in the present tense, followed by the past participle of the main verb.

So, the complete sentence could be:

"Quand mes petites sœurs ont cassé la fenêtre de la cuisine, maman s'est fâchée" (When my little sisters broke the kitchen window, mom got angry).

To arrive at this answer, I used context clues, knowledge of French verb conjugation, and understanding of the sentence structure in French. I hope this explanation was helpful! Is there anything else you would like to know?