What is energy. Give short definition and give an example



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Energy is the ability of something to do work or cause a change. It's a fundamental concept in physics and is present in various forms. One short definition of energy is "the capacity to do work."

To understand energy, let's consider an example. Imagine a roller coaster at the top of a hill. When the coaster is released and starts going downhill, it gains speed and momentum. This increase in speed and motion is made possible by the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy. The roller coaster has potential energy while at the top of the hill, which is the energy stored due to its position or height. As it descends, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. The coaster's kinetic energy allows it to move, and at the same time, it can also do work, like overcoming friction or lifting passengers up inclines.

In this example, energy is evident in the coaster's ability to change its state of motion, from potential to kinetic, and perform work in the process. It showcases how energy can take different forms and be transferred or transformed from one type to another.