Add and simplify

9 ft 6in
8ft 8in
8ft 5in
7ft 11in
6ft 7 in
38ft 37in

That's correct so far.

Now simplify it. Remember there are 12 inches in a foot.

42ft 1in

I get 41 feet, 1 inch

To add and simplify the given measurements, you can start by converting the measurements to a common unit of measurement, such as inches.

Let's convert each measurement to inches:

9 ft 6 in = (9 * 12) + 6 = 108 + 6 = 114 inches
8 ft 8 in = (8 * 12) + 8 = 96 + 8 = 104 inches
8 ft 5 in = (8 * 12) + 5 = 96 + 5 = 101 inches
7 ft 11 in = (7 * 12) + 11 = 84 + 11 = 95 inches
6 ft 7 in = (6 * 12) + 7 = 72 + 7 = 79 inches

Now, we can add up the converted measurements:

114 inches + 104 inches + 101 inches + 95 inches + 79 inches = 493 inches

To simplify the total, let's convert it back to feet and inches:

Divide 493 inches by 12 to get the number of feet:
493 inches / 12 = 41 feet

The remainder after dividing by 12 will give us the remaining inches:
493 inches % 12 = 1 inch

So, the simplified form of the sum is 41 feet 1 inch.