A basketball team won 70% of the 30 games they played. How many games did they win?

0.7 * 30 = ?

To find how many games the basketball team won, we can start by calculating 70% of the total number of games played.

Step 1: Multiply 30 by 70% (or 0.70) to find what percentage of 30 is equal to the number of games won.

30 x 0.70 = 21

Therefore, the basketball team won 21 out of the 30 games they played.

To find out how many games the basketball team won, you can multiply the total number of games they played by the percentage they won. In this case, the team won 70% of the 30 games they played.

First, convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 70 / 100 = 0.70

Then, multiply the decimal by the total number of games played:
0.70 * 30 = 21

Therefore, the basketball team won 21 games.