The curricular approach which encourages children to explore, experiment, and discover is

A. eclectic.B. child-centered.C. adult-centered.D. child-initiated.

My answer is B


Your answer is correct.

The curricular approach which encourages children to explore, experiment, and discover is child-centered. This approach focuses on the child's interests, needs, and abilities, allowing them to take an active role in their learning process. Children are given the freedom to explore topics of interest, make choices, and engage in hands-on activities and experiments. This approach promotes independent thinking, problem-solving skills, and a love for learning.

Your answer is correct. The curricular approach that encourages children to explore, experiment, and discover is called a child-centered approach. In this approach, the focus is on the child's interests, needs, and developmental stage. The curriculum is designed to promote active learning, hands-on experiences, and interaction with the environment. Children are encouraged to explore and make discoveries on their own, while teachers serve as facilitators and guides. This approach values the child's voice, encourages independence and critical thinking, and promotes a love for learning.