In terms of the general adaptation syndrome, the body prepares for a long, drawn-out battle during the _______ stage.

What are your choices? What is your answer?

Hi Ms. Sue & PsyDAG, thank you for your help! In terms of general adaptation syndrome, the body prepares for a long, drawn-out-battle during the_ stage?


I reviewed the question again and again and I think I have the right answer, it is A: RESISTANCE

P.S. I just sent my exam answer in and it is CORRECT! I got a 90% on my exam!

Hi Ms. Sue & PsyDAG, thank you for your help! In terms of general adaptation syndrome, the body prepares for a long, drawn-out-battle during the_ stage?


I reviewed the question again and again and I think I have the right answer, it is A: RESISTANCE

To determine the stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) where the body prepares for a long, drawn-out battle, we need to understand the three stages involved in GAS. The general adaptation syndrome is a concept developed by endocrinologist Hans Selye, which outlines the body's response to stressors. These stages include the alarm stage, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage.

During the alarm stage, the body recognizes the stressor and activates the fight-or-flight response. This response includes the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and heightened alertness.

The resistance stage is the second phase of GAS. In this stage, the body attempts to adapt and cope with the stressor. It activates various defense mechanisms to maintain balance and stability, enabling the body to continue functioning despite the stress. This stage can last for an extended period as the body tries to adapt and fight off the stressor.

Finally, if the stressor persists for an extended duration and the body's resources become depleted, it enters the exhaustion stage. During this stage, the body's ability to cope with the stress decreases significantly. This can result in physical and psychological symptoms such as chronic fatigue, decreased immune function, and increased vulnerability to illness.

Considering the information above, the stage where the body prepares for a long, drawn-out battle would be the resistance stage. It is during this phase that the body mobilizes its resources to sustain an extended period of stress.