lynne is 24 years old. lynne is twice as old as jean was when lynne is as old as jean is now. how old is jean ?

To determine Jean's age, let's break down the information given step by step:

1. Lynne is 24 years old.
2. There is a point in time when Lynne's age was the same as Jean's age is currently.
3. At that point in time, Lynne's age is twice as old as Jean was.

Let's assume that Jean's current age is "x".

According to the information, we know that when Lynne's age is "x", Jean's age is "x" as well.

At that point, we can say that Lynne's age is twice the age Jean was, which means that Lynne's age is equal to 2 * (Jean's age).

Putting all the information together, we have:

x (Jean's age) = 2 * (x - Lynne's age)

Simplifying the equation:

x = 2x - 2 * 24
x = 2x - 48

Now, we can solve for x:

48 = x

Jean's age is 48 years old.