Which of the following should you do during your third read of the multi-draft reading process?

A. Identify the authors tone and viewpoint.
B. Evaluate how the selection compares to another.
C. Examine the type of organization used in the selection.
D. Determine the author's purpose for writing.
Is the answer B?

I'd say B

To determine which of the options you should do during your third read of the multi-draft reading process, let's go through each option and understand what it means:

A. Identify the author's tone and viewpoint: This involves analyzing the author's attitude towards the subject matter and their perspective or stance on the topic.

B. Evaluate how the selection compares to another: This means comparing the current selection you are reading to another piece of literature, perhaps from the same author or a different one, to understand similarities, differences, themes, or any other aspects.

C. Examine the type of organization used in the selection: This refers to analyzing how the text is structured or organized, including looking at the organization of paragraphs, chapters, or sections, and how the overall flow of ideas is organized.

D. Determine the author's purpose for writing: This involves identifying the reason why the author wrote the piece, understanding their intention, and the message they aim to communicate.

Now, considering the question, it asks which option should be done during the third read of the multi-draft reading process. During the third read, you have already gone through the text twice and have gained familiarity with the content and structure. At this stage, it would be most appropriate to focus on deeper analysis and understanding of the text.

Option B, which suggests evaluating how the selection compares to another, seems to align with this stage. By comparing the text to another piece of literature, you can develop a more nuanced understanding of themes, motifs, and different writing styles.

So, based on this analysis, your answer of B seems correct.