during which time period did nuts,berries,sehellfish,and fruits become a primary food source of native americans. 1.paleo-indan 2.archaic 3.woodland .... 4.missippian

Based on research, I would think 2. archaic, but I am not sure which one is correct. I say go with what you think is the answer. I hope this helps! :)

@ms.sue i think it is 3

Which region?

What do mean by a primary food source? Did they stop hunting at this time?

georgia @ms.sue

You're probably right, but I'm not sure.

To determine during which time period nuts, berries, shellfish, and fruits became a primary food source for Native Americans, we can examine the different cultural periods in Native American history. These cultural periods are divided based on changes in technology, social organization, and subsistence strategies. Let's explore each option:

1. Paleo-Indian: The Paleo-Indian period refers to the earliest period of Native American history, dating back approximately 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. During this time, Native Americans primarily relied on megafauna hunting, such as mammoths and mastodons. Nuts, berries, shellfish, and fruits were likely not the primary food source during this period.

2. Archaic: The Archaic period follows the Paleo-Indian period, dating from around 8,000 to 1,000 BCE. This period saw a transition to a more diverse and varied subsistence strategy. Native Americans during the Archaic period began to rely more on gathering and hunting smaller game, as well as collecting nuts, berries, shellfish, and fruits. It is during this period that these food sources likely became more prominent.

3. Woodland: The Woodland period emerged around 1,000 BCE and lasted until around 900 CE. During this period, Native Americans developed agriculture, introducing domesticated plants such as maize (corn) into their diet. While nuts, berries, shellfish, and fruits likely still played a significant role in their diet, the introduction of agriculture shifted the focus towards crops.

4. Mississippian: The Mississippian period emerged around 900 CE and lasted until the arrival of Europeans in the 15th century. This period is characterized by a complex agricultural society, with Native Americans cultivating crops such as maize, beans, and squash. While nuts, berries, shellfish, and fruits may have continued to be consumed, they were likely not the primary food sources during this period.

Based on the information provided, the Archaic period (Option 2) is most likely the time period when nuts, berries, shellfish, and fruits became a primary food source for Native Americans.