unscramble aoapritdodpoll into 3 words

To unscramble the word "aoapritdodpoll" into three words, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying any smaller, common words within the scrambled letters. In this case, we have "poll" and "dot" as possible options.

2. Remove the identified common words from the scrambled letters. We are left with "aaiodprdolp".

3. Break down the remaining letters into smaller chunks and rearrange them to form words. In this case, we can separate the letters as "aa i o d pr dolp".

4. Rearrange these chunks to form different words and identify any possible options. Trying different combinations, we find the words: "pad", "lord", and "paid".

Therefore, the unscrambled words from "aoapritdodpoll" are "pad", "lord", and "paid".