Aperture priority mode is considered which of the following?

Fully automatic


Fully manual***

All of the above

Fully automatic

Aperture priority mode is considered a semiautomatic mode.

To explain how to determine this, let's break it down:

In photography, aperture refers to the size of the opening in the lens that allows light to pass through to the camera's image sensor. Aperture priority mode allows the photographer to set the desired aperture value while the camera automatically adjusts the shutter speed for proper exposure.

Now, let's compare it to the given options:

- Fully automatic mode means that the camera makes all the exposure decisions, including both the aperture and shutter speed. Aperture priority mode requires the photographer to manually select the aperture, so it is not fully automatic.

- Fully manual mode refers to a shooting mode where the photographer has complete control over both the aperture and shutter speed. In aperture priority mode, the photographer only sets the aperture and the camera takes care of the appropriate shutter speed, so it is not fully manual.

- Semiautomatic mode, on the other hand, allows the photographer to manually control one parameter (in this case, the aperture) while the camera automatically adjusts the other parameter (the shutter speed). This aligns with the description of aperture priority mode, making it the correct answer.

So, aperture priority mode is considered a semiautomatic mode.