If Mia receives $72.20 for $1,805.00 in sales, how much must her sales be in order to receive $150 in commission

Cross multiply and solve for x.

72.20/1805 = 150/x


To find out how much Mia must sell in order to receive $150 in commission, we need to determine her commission rate per dollar of sales first.

Commission rate per dollar of sales can be calculated using the following formula:
Commission rate = Commission amount / Sales amount

In this case, Mia received $72.20 for $1,805.00 in sales. Therefore,
Commission rate = $72.20 / $1,805.00

Now, let's calculate the commission rate:
Commission rate = 0.04

The commission rate is 0.04, which represents 4% (since 0.04 * 100 = 4%). This means for every dollar Mia sells, she receives 4 cents in commission.

To find out how much Mia must sell to receive $150 in commission, we can set up a proportion:

Commission / Sales = Commission rate / 1

Plugging in the values we have:
$150 / Sales = 0.04 / 1

Now, we cross multiply and solve for Sales:
0.04 * Sales = $150 * 1

0.04 * Sales = $150

Divide both sides by 0.04:
Sales = $150 / 0.04

Sales = $3,750.00

So, Mia must have $3,750.00 in sales in order to receive $150 in commission.