Can you please correct me if I am wrong or let me know what you think

Thanks Y-A
1. Trees keep water in a watershed from accumulating silt before it empties into river. (i got true)

2. Permeable means capable of absorbing water. (i got false)

3. Old rivers are characterized by oxbow lakes. (i got false)

4. A deposit along the inside of a river is called a sandbar. (i got true)

5. The Colorado River is a young river. (i got false)

Im sure of all of them except the last one.

Three of your five answers are wrong.

1. Trees keep water in a watershed from accumulating silt before it empties into a river. (True)

This statement is true. Trees and vegetation in a watershed help prevent soil erosion and the accumulation of silt in rivers. Their roots hold the soil together, reducing the amount of sediment that is carried by runoff into the river.

2. Permeable means capable of absorbing water. (True)
This statement is true. Permeable materials have the ability to allow liquids (such as water) to pass through them. Permeability is commonly used to describe the qualities of materials like soil, rocks, or concrete, which can absorb and allow water to flow through.

3. Old rivers are characterized by oxbow lakes. (False)
This statement is false. Oxbow lakes are typically found in meandering (curving) rivers and are formed when a meander of the river gets cut off from the main flow, creating a U-shaped lake. Oxbow lakes are usually found in younger rivers, as the meandering process takes time. Older rivers are known to have smoother, more stable channels.

4. A deposit along the inside of a river is called a sandbar. (True)
This statement is true. A sandbar is a deposit of sand or other sediment that accumulates along the inside, or concave bank, of a river. Sandbars are commonly found in braided rivers (rivers with multiple channels) or in areas where the river's flow slows down, causing sediment to settle.

5. The Colorado River is a young river. (False)
This statement is false. The Colorado River is considered an old river. It has been carving its path through the Colorado Plateau for millions of years, resulting in the creation of the Grand Canyon. Young rivers, on the other hand, are usually characterized by steep gradients, fewer meanders, and less developed floodplains.