What did the painting by Francisco Pradila entitled Dona Juana la Loca (1877) represent? I can't find any sites in English.


So it represents how her insanity moved her to undetake the journey from Burgos to Granada where she wished to bury her husband?


The painting certainly represents the despair of insanity.

To find information about the painting "Dona Juana la Loca" by Francisco Pradilla, you can try the following steps:

1. Start by searching for the painting's title, "Dona Juana la Loca" along with the artist's name, Francisco Pradilla. This can be done in a search engine like Google or any other search engine of your choice.
2. If you are struggling to find English sources, you can try using translation tools or changing the language settings of your search engine to English. This may yield more results in English.
3. Alternatively, you can search for the painting in online databases or museums that house collections of artwork. These platforms often have information about the painting and its historical context.
4. When searching, try using keywords such as "meaning," "interpretation," or "symbolism" alongside the title of the painting. This may help you find more scholarly or analytical articles discussing the painting's representation.
5. If you still can't find any English sources, you can look for academic databases or libraries that specialize in art history. These can provide access to scholarly articles and books that discuss the painting and its meaning in detail.

Remember to be patient and persistent in your search. It may take some time to find the desired information, but employing these strategies should help you locate English sources about Francisco Pradilla's painting, "Dona Juana la Loca."