A golfer hits a shot to a green that is elevated 3 m above the point where the ball is struck. The ball leaves the club at a speed of 13.6 m/s at an angle of 43.1° above the horizontal. It rises to its maximum height and then falls down to the green. Ignoring air resistance, find the speed of the ball just before it lands.

To find the speed of the ball just before it lands, we can break down the motion of the ball into horizontal and vertical components.

Let's start by finding the time it takes for the ball to reach its maximum height. We can use the vertical component of the initial velocity and the acceleration due to gravity to determine this time.

Vertical component of initial velocity (Vy) = initial velocity (13.6 m/s) * sin(angle of launch, 43.1°)
Vy = 13.6 m/s * sin(43.1°) = 9.8 m/s

Using the formula for vertical displacement of a projectile, we have:
Vertical displacement (Δy) = (Vy^2) / (2 * g)
Δy = (9.8 m/s)^2 / (2 * 9.8 m/s^2) = 4.9 m

Since the ball reaches its maximum height halfway, the time to reach the maximum height is equal to the total time of flight divided by 2.
Total time of flight (T) = 2 * t_max (time to reach maximum height)

Using the formula for vertical displacement, we have:
Δy = Vy * t_max - (1/2) * g * (t_max)^2

Since the ball is at the same height when it lands as when it was struck, its vertical displacement is zero:
0 = Vy * t_max - (1/2) * g * (t_max)^2

Rearranging the equation:
(1/2) * g * (t_max)^2 = Vy * t_max
(1/2) * 9.8 m/s^2 * (t_max)^2 = 9.8 m/s * t_max
(t_max)^2 = 2 * t_max

t_max = 2 seconds

Now let's find the horizontal component of the velocity (Vx) using the initial velocity and the angle of launch.
Horizontal component of initial velocity (Vx) = initial velocity (13.6 m/s) * cos(angle of launch, 43.1°)
Vx = 13.6 m/s * cos(43.1°) = 9.75 m/s

Since there is no horizontal acceleration, the velocity remains constant throughout the motion.

Now, we can find the horizontal displacement of the ball when it lands (Δx) using the horizontal component of the velocity and the time of flight (2 seconds):
Horizontal displacement (Δx) = Vx * T
Δx = 9.75 m/s * 2 s = 19.5 m

Now, using the horizontal and vertical displacements, we can find the resulting speed just before the ball lands using the Pythagorean theorem:
Speed (S) = sqrt((Δx)^2 + (Δy)^2)
S = sqrt((19.5 m)^2 + (4.9 m)^2)
S = sqrt(380.25 m^2 + 24.01 m^2)
S = sqrt(404.26 m^2)
S ≈ 20.1 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the ball just before it lands is approximately 20.1 m/s.

To find the speed of the ball just before it lands, we need to break down the given information and use the principles of projectile motion.

1. The initial velocity (v₀) of the ball can be split into horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical component changes due to gravity.

2. Given that the ball leaves the club at a speed of 13.6 m/s at an angle of 43.1° above the horizontal, we can find the initial horizontal and vertical velocities using trigonometry.

Horizontal velocity (v₀x) = v₀ * cos(θ) = 13.6 m/s * cos(43.1°)

Vertical velocity (v₀y) = v₀ * sin(θ) = 13.6 m/s * sin(43.1°)

3. At the maximum height, the vertical velocity becomes zero, as the ball momentarily stops moving up before falling back down. We can find the time taken to reach maximum height (t_max) using the vertical motion equation:

v_y = v₀y - g * t

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²). Since the vertical velocity at the maximum height is zero:

0 = v₀y - g * t_max

Rearranging the equation, we can solve for t_max.

4. Once we have t_max, we can find the total time of flight (t_total) by multiplying it by 2 (since the ball travels up and down).

t_total = 2 * t_max

5. To find the speed of the ball just before it lands, we need to calculate the final velocity (v_f) of the ball's vertical component at the time it lands. At this point, the vertical velocity is the negative of the initial vertical velocity, as the ball is moving downwards. We can use the equation:

v_fy = -v₀y - g * t_total

Finally, we calculate the final velocity (v_f) by combining the horizontal and vertical velocities:

v_f = sqrt(v_fx² + v_fy²)

where v_fx represents the horizontal velocity, which remains constant throughout the motion.

By following these steps and plugging in the given values, we can find the speed of the ball just before it lands.