Anna and Julia each take a bicycle trip. Anna rides 20 km 1 1/3 hours. Julia rides 100 meters in 10 minutes. Which rider has the slower unit rate?

km = 1000m

20,000 m/80 minutes = 250m/minute

To find the slower unit rate, we need to compare the distances traveled per unit of time for both riders. Let's convert the given values into a common unit of measurement.

Anna rode 20 km in 1 1/3 hours. To find the unit rate, we need to divide the distance by the time.
To convert 1 1/3 hours into a fraction, we can express it as 4/3 hours.

So, Anna's unit rate is calculated as follows:
20 km ÷ (4/3 h) = (20 × 3) ÷ 4 = 60 km/h.

Julia rode 100 meters in 10 minutes.
To convert 10 minutes into hours, we need to divide it by 60.
So, 10 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 1/6 hours.

Julia's unit rate is calculated as follows:
100 m ÷ (1/6 h) = 100 ÷ (1/6) = 100 × 6 = 600 m/h.

Comparing the unit rates, we find that Anna has a unit rate of 60 km/h and Julia has a unit rate of 600 m/h.

Since 600 m/h is smaller than 60 km/h, Julia has the slower unit rate.