why is sasha in trouble in the story "a problem"

To understand why Sasha is in trouble in the story "A Problem," we need to analyze the story. Unfortunately, without the specific details or context of the story, it is impossible for me to provide a direct answer. However, I can guide you on how to find the answer by following these steps:

1. Read the story: Start by thoroughly reading the text and paying attention to any important details or events related to Sasha's situation. This will help you understand the context and underlying issues.

2. Identify conflicts or problems: Look for any conflicts or problems that arise in the story. These can be related to Sasha's actions, behavior, or interactions with other characters.

3. Analyze Sasha's actions: Examine Sasha's actions throughout the story. Consider whether she has made any poor decisions, broken any rules, or caused trouble for herself or others.

4. Consider consequences: Think about the potential consequences of Sasha's actions. This involves considering the impact her actions may have on herself and those around her. Are there any negative outcomes as a result of her behavior?

5. Look for clues or explanations: Pay attention to any hints or explanations provided by the author or other characters in the story. These can shed light on why Sasha finds herself in trouble.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze the story and understand why Sasha is in trouble. Remember, the answer will depend on the specific details and events presented in the story.

Obviously you haven't read the third paragraph in this story by Chekhov.
