During the processes of erosion and deposition, sediments that are the_____ in size will be carried the greatest distances before being deposited.

Most___rocks form under conditions found a few kilometers under Earth's surface.

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Ms.Sue they don't give you a choice you have to figure it out yourself.

To answer the first question, during the processes of erosion and deposition, sediments that are smaller in size will be carried the greatest distances before being deposited. This can be explained by the principle of particle size sorting. As water or wind flows, it has the ability to transport smaller particles more easily than larger ones. Therefore, the smaller sediments, such as silt and clay, are more likely to be carried long distances before settling and being deposited.

For the second question, most igneous rocks form under conditions found a few kilometers under Earth's surface. This can be understood by the process of igneous rock formation. Igneous rocks are formed when molten material, known as magma, cools and solidifies. The source of this magma is usually found within the Earth's upper mantle or crust, which can be several kilometers deep. As the magma rises towards the surface, it cools and crystallizes, forming igneous rocks. However, it is important to note that some igneous rocks can also form through volcanic eruptions, where magma reaches the surface and solidifies quickly.