What is -3.702 + -9.78?

- 3.702 + ( - 9.78 ) = - 3.702 - 9.78 = - -13.482

- 3.702 + ( - 9.78 ) = - 3.702 - 9.78 = -13.482

To find the sum of -3.702 and -9.78, you simply need to add these two numbers together.

The sum of -3.702 and -9.78 can be found by aligning the decimal points of the two numbers and adding each digit column by column. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Align the decimals:

2. Start by adding the digits in the rightmost column, which in this case is the hundredth place (the decimal place immediately after the decimal point). In this column, we have 2 + 0, which equals 2.

3. Move to the next column, which is the tenth place. Here we have 0 + 7, which equals 7.

4. Finally, add the digits in the leftmost column, which is the ones place. In this column, we have 3 + 9, which equals 12.

5. Include the decimal point in the sum. Since the original numbers have three decimal places, the sum should also have three decimal places. Therefore, the answer is -13.482.

So, -3.702 plus -9.78 equals -13.482.