Consider the instantaneous velocity of a body.

This velocity is always in the direction of
1. the net force at that instant.
2. the motion at that instant.
3. the least resistance at that instant.

the answer is 2.the motion at that instant

The instantaneous velocity of a body refers to its velocity at a specific moment in time. It indicates the rate at which the body is changing its position at that instant. To determine the direction of the instantaneous velocity, we need to consider the factors mentioned in the options:

1. The net force at that instant: The instantaneous velocity of a body is influenced by the net force acting on it. The net force determines the acceleration of the body, which in turn affects its velocity. When a net force is applied to a body, it causes a change in velocity in the same direction as the force. Therefore, option 1 is a possible answer.

2. The motion at that instant: When considering the instantaneous velocity, it is crucial to take into account the current state of motion of the body. If the body is already moving in a certain direction, the instantaneous velocity is likely to be in the same direction as the ongoing motion. However, this may not always be the case, as external forces can alter the direction of the body. So, option 2 can be a potential answer as well.

3. The least resistance at that instant: While resistance in motion does affect the body's overall velocity, it does not directly determine the instantaneous velocity at a particular instant. Resistance, such as friction or air resistance, acts as an opposing force to motion, causing a decrease in the velocity over time. However, it is not the primary factor that determines the instantaneous velocity at a specific moment, so option 3 is not the correct answer.

In summary, the correct answers for the direction of the instantaneous velocity of a body are options 1 and 2. The instantaneous velocity is influenced by the net force acting on the body and the motion at that instant.