an office manager is renting a local hall for un upcoming event. The hall costs $200. The food costs $14 per person. The office manager is not sure how many people will attend. Which quantity is not a variable quantity - the cost to rent the hall, the number of people who will attend, or the total cost of the food?


In this scenario, a variable quantity refers to a value that can change or vary. Let's break down the given information to identify the variable quantities:

1. Cost to rent the hall: The cost of renting the hall is $200. However, this value does not change regardless of the number of people attending. So, the cost to rent the hall is not a variable quantity.

2. Number of people who will attend: This quantity is not known and can vary depending on the event. The number of people attending can be small or large, changing from one event to another. Therefore, the number of people who will attend is a variable quantity.

3. Total cost of the food: The cost of the food is given as $14 per person. Since the number of people attending is a variable quantity, the total cost of the food would also vary depending on the number of people attending. Therefore, the total cost of the food is a variable quantity.

To summarize, the quantity that is not a variable quantity in this situation is the cost to rent the hall.