translate the following vertice (8,3) to (x-3,y-8)?

singular is vertex, not vertice. Grr.

(8,3) + (x-11,y-11) -> (x-3,y-8)

Now, if you meant to shift it 3 left and 8 down, then

(8,3)+(-3,-8) -> (5,-5)

To translate a given vertex (8, 3) to the new coordinate system (x - 3, y - 8), you need to subtract 3 from the x-coordinate and subtract 8 from the y-coordinate.

For the x-coordinate:
New x-coordinate = x - 3 = 8 - 3 = 5

For the y-coordinate:
New y-coordinate = y - 8 = 3 - 8 = -5

So, the translated vertex is (5, -5).