Which of the following was the main focus of Georgians during the trustee period?

A. buliding churches
B. survival
C. making roads
D. building schools

I'm not sure but I'm going to go with B or A?

To determine the main focus of Georgians during the trustee period, let's analyze the options provided.

A. Building churches: While the establishment of churches was certainly an important aspect of colonial life, it was not the primary focus during the trustee period. The trustees primarily aimed to create a successful and sustainable colony.

B. Survival: This could be a plausible option. During the trustee period, Georgia was a relatively new and struggling colony. Survival, in terms of securing food, shelter, and protection from Native American tribes and Spanish adversaries, would have been a significant concern.

C. Making roads: Although the development of infrastructure, including roads, was crucial for the growth and connectivity of the colony, it may not have been the primary focus during the trustee period.

D. Building schools: Education was valued, but it was not the primary focus during the trustee period. The trustees prioritized survival, economic sustainability, and the establishment of a successful colony.

Considering the options, the most appropriate choice for the main focus during the trustee period would be B. Survival. This period involved addressing numerous challenges and ensuring the colony's survival in a hostile and uncertain environment.