15. The___hypothesis suggests that our solar system evolved from a huge rotating cloud of dust and gas.

16. Lines of____are used to measure distances east or west of the prime meridian in degrees.

17. The major difference between a topographic map and other maps is that a topographic map shows ___




15. The hypothesis that suggests that our solar system evolved from a huge rotating cloud of dust and gas is known as the "Nebular Hypothesis." This hypothesis was first proposed by philosopher Immanuel Kant and later expanded upon by physicist Pierre-Simon Laplace. To learn more about this hypothesis and its supporting evidence, you can consult various scientific resources such as books, articles, or online educational platforms like astronomy websites or NASA publications.

16. Lines of longitude, also known as meridians, are used to measure distances east or west of the prime meridian in degrees. The prime meridian, designated as 0 degrees longitude, runs through Greenwich, England. Longitude lines extend in both directions from the prime meridian, with positive values measured to the east and negative values measured to the west. You can easily find the longitude of any location by using online maps, GPS devices, or even smartphone applications that offer location services. Simply input the name or coordinates of a place, and the tool will provide you with the longitude information.

17. The major difference between a topographic map and other maps is that a topographic map shows the physical features of a particular area with detailed contour lines, which represent changes in elevation. In addition to contour lines, topographic maps often include other information such as rivers, lakes, vegetation, roads, and important landmarks. This makes topographic maps particularly useful for activities like hiking, surveying, or understanding the physical characteristics of a region. To view or obtain a topographic map, you can visit various sources such as online map providers, government agencies responsible for geographical information, or specialized map stores. Topographic maps are typically available both in digital and printed formats.