How to say pay attention, everyone in French?

attention , tout le monde

Attention, tout le monde

Attention, s'il vous plait

To say "pay attention, everyone" in French, you would say "Faites attention, tout le monde." Here's the breakdown of the phrase:

1. "Pay attention" is translated as "faites attention" in French. This is a common phrase used to tell someone to be careful or attentive.
- "Faites" is the imperative form of the verb "faire" (to do/make) conjugated for the second-person plural. It is used to give a command or request.
- "Attention" is a cognate in French, meaning it's spelled similarly and has the same meaning as in English.

2. "Everyone" is translated as "tout le monde" in French.
- "Tout" means "all" or "every" in French.
- "Le monde" translates to "the world" but in this context, it means "everyone."

When speaking or addressing a group, it is common to use the plural form ("Faites attention") and address them collectively as "tout le monde". So altogether, "Pay attention, everyone" is translated as "Faites attention, tout le monde" in French.