10. Yolanda spends 8 2/3 hours per month playing soccer. Approximately how many hours does she play soccer in a year?

A. 416
B. 104
C. 197
D. 28

I think it is B because there are 12 months in a year.So I took 8 2/3 and multiplied it by 12 and got 104 for my answer.

You are correct.

13. Simone has 5 employees in her flower shop. Each employee works

6 4/15 hours per day. How many hours, in total, do the 5 employees work per day?

A. 30
B. 28
C. 31 1/3
D. 30 2/3

6 4/15 * 5 = 31 1/3

16. A family spends 1/10 of its annual income for housing, 1/4 for food and clothing, 1/5 for general expenses, and 2/15 for entertainment. What fractional part of their income is spent on these items altogether?

A. 41/60
B. 1/7
C. 6/41
D. 11/12

A because I multiplied all of the fractions together.

17. Which of the following pairs of numbers contain like fractions?

A. 5/6 and 10/12
B. 6/7 and 15/7
C. 3/2 and 2/3
D. 31/2 and 43/4


Yay! All are correct.

Your reasoning is correct. To find the approximate number of hours Yolanda plays soccer in a year, you need to multiply her monthly playing time (8 2/3 hours) by the number of months in a year (12).

To multiply a whole number with a fraction, you can convert the whole number into a fraction by writing it over 1. So, 12 can be written as 12/1.

Next, multiply the numerators (8 and 12) together to get 96, and multiply the denominators (3 and 1) together to get 3. This gives you 96/3.

Now, you can simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator (96) by the denominator (3). 96 รท 3 equals 32.

Therefore, Yolanda plays approximately 32 hours of soccer in a year.

Since none of the given answer choices match 32, it seems there might be a calculation error. Let's review the options again:

A. 416
B. 104
C. 197
D. 28

None of these options matches the correct answer of 32. It's possible that there might be a mistake in the provided answer choices or in the calculation.